Jul 3, 2009

Watz for dinner?!! Hmm..

Its been ages since the last time I have update some news or foodie choice here.. here is my another experimental dish adapted from Rozzan recipes list.

Well I got home last night & decided to cook for dinner as its been a while I have cooked for hubby. Yest I found 2 recipes from 2 different blogger whome Im following. Once of them is Abg Rozzan & I cant remember the other blogger. Anyway the I found 2 interesting recipes which I wanted to try out thats Ayam Lemak Padang & Ayam Masak Ungkep. Since Im unable to decide, I make my hubby to pick any one of my 2 fingers w.o telling him e menu for e day (being childish)

Guess wht... he pick Ayam Masak Padang. Tho its my first time trying this dish, I have made a lil changes to the recipe. The final result was good. Very happy that he loves it.

Here I goes with the menu for the night....


Bahan-Bahan :-

1 ekor ayam (kira-kira 1½ kg) / 1kg chicken wings –dibersihkan, potong ikut suka
3 gelas santan pekat (diambil dari 1 biji kelapa) / (400 ml santan kotak + 200 ml air)
1 cawan air
¾ cawan minyak masak
4 ulas bawang merah kecil –dihiris (utk tumis)
8 helai daun limau purut

Rempah Kisar
2½ sudu besar ketumbar (naz goreng ikit coz I like the frangrant smell of it)
8 btg lada merah
8 btg lada kering / 1-2 tbsp chili paste
1 inci halia
½ inci kunyit hidup / 1 tsp serbuk kunyit
3 biji buah keras digoreng
1 inci lengkuas (dititik)
1 btg serai
15 ulas bawang merah
6 ulas bawang putih
garam secukup rasa

1 sudu teh gula
jus dari 1-2 biji limau kasturi (I use 4 biji limau kasturi)

Cara :-

- Panaskan minyak dalam periuk Tumis bawang merah yg dihiris tadi hingga kekuningan. Kemudian masukkan rempah kisar dan daun limau purut lalu masak hingga rempah garing, baru masukkan ½ cawan air. Teruskan masak sehingga terbit minyak dan bubuh ½ cawan air.

- Bila lauk terbit minyak sekali lagi, baru masukkan santan pekat. Biarkan hingga mendidih,lalu masukkan ayam, gula, jus limau dan garam. Masak sebentar sehingga ayam empuk dan sesuaikan rasanya mengikut citarasa anda

PS: I have adapted the resipe from Rozzan & have made few changes for my own experimental.

Happy trying !!! :)

With love,

Nazia @ Foodie Craze


Pete said...

Yummy ayam masak padang. Can eat lots of rice with this dish alone!


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